Wednesday 8 August 2012

Police brutality in graphics (USA)

The design team at in USA has made a graphic illustrating case-by-case examinations of police brutality towards members of the general public.

This is one way of informing people about their rights – more straightforward than what is usually done by comics. Chilling reading for somebody who has grown up in a country where children are taught that police are their friends!

Maybe somebody could try his hand at making grassroots comics based on the graphic?

For more see:

Monday 6 August 2012

"How to" on comics

Lissu Lehtimaja, comics artist and teacher, made this wonderfully compact, yet sophisticated guide for making comics. It was published in the Kiasma magazine in connection with the exhibition "Eyeballing! The new forms of comics", which is on until September 9 in The Museum for Contemporary Art Kiasma, in Helsinki. 

(click the image to enlarge)