Wednesday, 24 April 2013

TACOSODE training on grassroots comics

TACOSODE Board room, drawing from LP's sketchbook
TACOSODE  (Tanzania Council for Social Development) is a national umbrella organisation for more than 250 Civil Society organisations.

Twelve TACOSODE staff members attended a short training on the concept and uses of grassroots comics at their head office in Mikocheni, Dar es Salaam. After my presentation we made an exercise of making a story suitable to be made into a four-panel wallposter comic.  Each participant could quickly come up with a story that had a message s/he thought as important. The subjects of the stories were such as child rearing, forestry, right to education, corruption, domestic violence, health and drugs, water, soil.

The participants were sure that grassroots comics could be very useful for TACOSODE's member organisations and we are now looking into different cooperation options.

Post by Leif Packalen

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