Thursday 2 February 2012

Koivisto, Hagelberg, and Tukiainen received their Puupäähattu-awards 1978, 1997, and 2003.

Inspired by Kaisa Lekas’s Pupäähattu- award (see blogpost entry 15.1.2012) we had a look at other Puupäähattu-awardees within our membership. So, in chronological order:


Tarmo Koivisto, a founding member and Vice-Chairman of World Comics Finland, received the Puupäähattu-award in 1978. He is one of the pioneers of modern comics in Finland. His Mämmilä series, which he started as a strip in 1974, deals with contemporary Finnish life in a small fictive town. His comics comment on issues such as the first African refugees and membership in the European Union. Mämmilä town has numerous colourful characters. Over the years Mämmilä has proved to be one of the most-loved comics in Finland.

Tarmo has been a trainer in several of our workshops in Tanzania and India.

Tarmo’s own drawing  of the comics workshop with TAPOMA in Morogoro, Tanzania, in 1996. We had to shift from one classroom to a bigger one. One can see Katti Ka-Batembo on his motorcycle,  Gayo carrying his light-table and in the last row, Frank Odoi and Leif Packalen. Tarmo has drawn himself, sweating.
Tarmo teaching at our first workshop in India, in Tamil Nadu in 1997 with VCDS. This was where we discovered the idea of grassroots comics.


Matti Hagelberg and Katja Tukiainen  have both influenced the comics scene in Finland tremendously. Matti got his Puupäähattu-award in 1997 and Katja hers in 2003. Both have also worked as comics trainers in our workshops in India.

Katja has been a World Comics Finland board member since 2000. Her commitment and creativeness have been great assets to our organisation. To get a full picture of Katja pls check her homepage

Matti Hagelberg has produced 18 comic albums and is also widely published abroad. He is a long-time member of World Comics Finland.

Katja and Matti in a workshop with WCI, in 2004, in Aizawl, Mizoram, India.

Katja’s drawing from the VCDS’ workshop in 2001 in Tamil Nadu, India.
Matti’s drawing from the VCDS’ workshop in 2001, in Tamil Nadu, India

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