The cover of the book with a grassroot comic on secondary education for the deaf.
In 2010 Sanna Hukkanen and Sunday Ngakama conducted four grassroots comics workshops in Mwanza in collaboration with some Tanzanian NGOs that work with people with disabilities. The workshop was organised by SHIVYAWATA (an umbrella organisation) and funded by Abilis Foundation from Finland.
Adjunct professor Elina Lehtomäki of the University of
Helsinki is an activist for education rights of persons with disabilities. She
has written together with Sanna Hukkanen, a longtime member of World Comics
Finland and an accomplished comics trainer, an article called “Tanzanian Girls
and Women with (Dis)abilities Claim Their Right to Education" in the book
"Inclusive Education Twenty Years After Salamanca" (Salamanca, Spain
was the venue for a landmark conference on special needs education in 1994).
The book was published by Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. of New York, U.S in a
series called Disability Studies in
Ten grassroots comics and their messages are
analyzed thoroughly in the article, which concludes that the comics provide
critical insights of what the girls and their families see as important in
their education and learning in Tanzania.
The authors make it clear that grassroots
comics can contribute with empowering tools to uncover abilities and voices, and
they could therefore be used on the ground to help finding out the views and experiences
of girls and women with (dis)abilities.
Posted by Leif Packalen